Consulting services can provide valuable insights, strategic guidance, pecialized
1901 Shiloh, Hawaii 81063
Welcome to Codex & Co. Intellectual Property.
Consulting services can provide valuable insights, strategic guidance, pecialized
1901 Shiloh, Hawaii 81063
Year Of Experience
Codex & Co. has a separate department for each field and each department has a unique combination of legal, business, and IT professionals. Professionalism is our goal, and flexibility and innovation are the hallmarks of a firm’s legal practice. We keep costs down, work quickly and maintain efficiencies. We maintain our commitment to quality through the skills and determination of a team of attorneys and IT professionals with a wide range of skills and experience. We specialize in giving our clients top-quality legal services at an affordable and fixed-fee price.
Safeguarding creative rights through expert legal guidance and protection.
Protecting your brand with trademark expertise and precision.
Protecting digital assets against infringement and piracy.
Expertise in navigating legal complexities of media industry.
Innovative patent solutions for your intellectual property needs.
Crafting legally sound and tailored contractual agreements.
Cutting-edge legal strategies safeguarding industrial design rights.
Specialized tax advice and strategic planning for financial success.
Strategic advocacy in legal disputes for optimal outcomes.
Specializing in comprehensive business law contracts and legal solutions.
Expertise in Corporate and Commercial Legal Matters.